Twinkle Beauty Parlour

Our story begins at the point where Fatima Bi takes a huge loan to restart Twinkle Beauty Parlor, which she must repay within a stipulated period of time, say three months. True to her child-like nature, Fatima Bi takes the loan so she can live out her dream of owning a parlor, but doesn’t think much about the repayment. In fact, she is willing to let the parlor go if she cannot pay.

Fatima Bi employs four women to help her do the parlor work—Mrs. Shweta, Ms. Shweta, Layla, and Bunty. These women enter the parlor, each with their own agenda. They have little or nothing in common, cannot get along, and feel nothing for the parlor they work in. But over the weeks, the lives of these women entwine. They get fond of each other, and develop a strong attachment to TBP. The women discover that personality, morals, point of view— all evolve in keeping with the situation one is in. And Twinkle Beauty Parlor has made each one a warmer and better human being. At this point Fatima Bi tells them that the parlor is about to shut down, because she has not been able to collect the money needed to repay the loan that she took. This is the first the women ever heard about this, and they are shocked and dismayed. They resolve to work double time so they can keep the parlor, but it is already too late. They fail to earn the full amount, and the day arrives when the money lender comes to take the money back. Our heroines, on a desperate impulse to prevent getting evicted from the parlor, do something completely unexpected….

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