Rose Audiovisuals revitalized its film production arm by infusing new talent and thoughts in the management style of the company. The result was the emergence of a strategy for growth and stability in the 21st Century Mass Communications Media field.

The key to the success that Rose Audiovisuals enjoys today is largely due to professional management and coherent strategy. This strategic planning and management philosophy stems from a deep understanding of the dynamics of the Indian film industry absorbed over many decades of association with the industry and its technical as well as creative talent including all the best-known figures in the business.

Rose Audiovisuals in addition to being a film production company has emerged as a leading player in the rapidly growing Indian Television industry. The management of the company studied the growth in the television industry in India and was able to form a strategy to enter this potentially large and revenue-generating sector in a professional manner. The company's experience in film production as well as its existing and readily available pool of skilled manpower helped the company to enter easily the mass communications medium that was growing at a very fast pace but lacked organised production, logistics and support skills in the making of software.

Outside the large broadcasting companies, there were only a handful of professionally managed software producers for television while the industry needed ever more hours of programming and faced ever increasing quality demands from an audience which was getting used to the production values of European and American programmes being broadcast in India. In this scenario, Rose Audiovisuals embarked on a Three Year plan to enter and stabilise its operations in the Television Software producing sector. The initial foray was made in a small way with one programme on air. The success of this test run prompted the management to take on the challenge of conceptualising and designing more programming for television.

The success of this test run prompted the management to take on the challenge of conceptualising and designing more programming for television...